About the project

Project title CloudSpaces: Open Service Platform for the Next Generation of Personal clouds (STREP)
Project code FP7- 317555
Project coordinator

Dr. Pedro García López
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (ES)


École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH)
Institut Eurecom (FR)
NEC Ibérica (ES)
eyeOS (ES)

Duration October 2012 – September 2015
Total cost € 4.0 M

Download the fact sheet 


Overall strategy and general description

CloudSpaces is structured in six work packages only. With the exception of WP1 — dealing with the overall management of the project, and WP6 dealing with the dissemination, exploitation and standardization activities—all other work packages have a technological and scientific justification.

Figure 1: Work Package Structure Overview


As we see in Figure 1, the structure of CloudSpaces follows a layered approach. There exist bidirectional dependencies between technical work packages (WP3, WP4, WP5) closing the feedback loop among layers. WP6, dealing with all the dissemination related issues, an WP2, ensuring the necessary consistent cross layer research are transverse to WP3, WP4 and WP5.

WP1 (Management) has three main tasks: Project Management, Scientific Coordination and Risk Assessment. This work package, led by URV, takes care of the overall management and reporting issues of the project, guarantees quality assurance and risk assessment, and it is the place for scientific coordination.

WP2 (Architecture) has three tasks: Architecture, prototyping and Validation. T2.1 (Architecture) steers the requirements and specifications of the CloudSpaces Toolkit integrating the work of all WPs. T2.2 (Prototyping and open Internet trials) creates early prototypes to produce feedback on actual usage in the wild Internet. Finally, T2.3 (Validation) defines from the onset of the project the validation and benchmarking framework.

WP3 (CloudSpaces Storage) has three tasks: Personal Storage, Cloud storage, and Proximityaware Sync & Share. T3.1 (Personal Storage) develops a scalable data management platform efficiently aggregating the heterogeneous storage resources. T3.2 (Cloud Storage) modifies an open source Cloud storage solution (OpenStack Swift) in order to provide advanced storage services to Personal Cloud providers. Finally, T3.3 (Proximity-aware Sync & Share) devises novel synchronization and content distribution mechanisms between CloudSpaces that can benefit from proximity of the involved resources.

WP4 (CloudSpaces Share) has three tasks: Privacy-aware data sharing, Semantic Interoperability and Syntactic Interoperability. T4.1 (Privacy-aware data sharing) addresses user-centric security, trust, identity and privacy issues for assuring the controlled access to shared information from different applications and devices. T4.2 (Semantic Interoperability) specifies metadata and semantic interoperability models for data contained in different Personal and Shared Clouds. Finally, T4.3 (Syntactic Interoperability) defines open APIs and standard formats to share information between Personal Clouds but also to export and import data from heterogeneous providers.

WP5 (CloudSpaces Services) has three tasks: Data Services, Persistence service, and eyeOS PersonalWeb Desktop. T5.1 (Data Services) creates a Data API offering the underlying data management services (Store, Sync, Share) in a clear service framework promoting adoption and third-party development. T5.2 (Persistence) offers a standard persistence service for applications willing to store, retrieve and query data from the Personal Cloud. Finally, T5.3 (eyeOS Personal Web Desktop) adapts and extend the eyeOS platform to work with the underlying services of the CloudSpaces toolkit. eyeOS will be the proof of concept application of WP5.

WP6 (Dissemination) has three tasks: Communication plan, Dissemination, and Exploitation & standardization. T6.1 (Communication plan) prepares a roadmap for project dissemination in order to achieve media exposure and reach big user communities. T6.2 (Dissemination) takes care of all dissemination activities during the project as detailed in the
communication plan. Finally, T6.3 (Exploitation & Standardization) tries to push final project results in the third year in big user communities and standardization groups.

Figure 2: Work Package Structure


We can also see in Figure 2 the role of partners in every work package. Obviously, the role of each partner coincides with its expertise and knowledge. In this line, URV leads WP2 and cooperates with TST to design and implement prototypes. EUR leads WP3 and it mainly cooperates with TST in Cloud storage, and with NEC for the Proximity-Aware data services. EPFL leads WP4 and collaborates with NEC in the syntactic interoperability. EOS leads WP5 and collaborates with NEC and TST in the implementation of high level services for applications. And finally, NEC leads WP6 and collaborates with all partners to disseminate the results of the project.

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